Is the Universe Trying to Tell You Something?

Rubi Joshi
6 min readSep 7, 2023


Don’t overlook these Synchronicities!!

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“Wow!!! What a coincidence!”?

It’s a phrase we often use to dismiss the unexplained, to give credit to sheer luck. Yet, as we look closer into the intricacies of existence, we find that the universe is far from random. It’s a puzzle waiting to be solved.

The renowned physicist Percy Williams Bridgman once remarked,

“A coincidence is what you have left over when you apply a bad theory.”

Indeed, in our daily lives, we encounter numerous seemingly random occurrences, signs, and little things that we often label as coincidences. But what if they are not mere chance? What if they are the universe’s way of communicating with us?

Unus Mundus

Life, it turns out, is not a series of random events; rather, everything happens for a reason, each piece intricately connected to the next. This interconnectedness is what ancient philosophers referred to as “Unus Mundus,” a concept that transcends the boundaries of both science and spirituality.

“Unus Mundus: The beautiful idea that everything in the universe is connected as one, bridging science and spirituality. It’s the belief that we’re all part of a unified whole.”

Photo by Mayank Baranwal on Unsplash


Meaningful coincidences or events that seem to be connected in a way that goes beyond normal cause-and-effect relationships.

Synchronicities are like the universe gently patting us on the back to remind us of its presence. When we start paying attention to these clues, we open ourselves up to a new dimension of understanding. These events serve as messages, guiding us along our life’s path.

Consider this:

  • You dream about someone, and the next day, they unexpectedly call you or appear before you.
  • You frequently notice specific number sequences, called Angel Numbers by many, (e.g., 111, 444, 777) or symbols or themes in your daily life, such as on license plates, clocks, receipts, in conversations, movies or books.
  • You meet a stranger who becomes a significant person in your life, like a mentor, romantic partner, or business partner, at a time when you needed their influence or support.
  • You lose something important, and while searching for it, you stumble upon another item or information that turns out to be incredibly valuable or relevant to your life.
  • You hear a song on the radio or in a random playlist, and its lyrics seem to directly relate to your current situation or emotions.

The question arises:

Is this just a coincidence, or is there a deeper meaning behind it? Can such complexity truly be attributed to mere coincidence?

It’s a notion that challenges our understanding of randomness, encourage us to ponder the purpose behind such occurrences and ask ourselves what message we should draw from them.

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To know more about Dreams from a Cognitive Science perspective, you can read my article on Dreams and their impact on our lives.

Fine Tuned Universe

The universe itself is a colossal synchronicity. Every atom, cloud, mountain, galaxy, star, asteroid, black hole, and even the intricate design of our own bodies, all exist and are arranged with astonishing precision.

The laws governing the universe, from the laws of light and sound to the weathering of rocks, are finely tuned to make the Earth how we know it. This concept is often referred to as the “Fine-Tuned Universe.”

But consider this: If even the tiniest aspect of nature were to shift by a mere 0.00000001%, would our Earth remain unchanged?

Photo by Abed Ismail on Unsplash

The Grand plan

Synchronicity is a constant presence for those who have the eyes to see it. There are no accidents or coincidences in this universe; everything has a frequency, a purpose. As Rhonda Byrne, author of “The Secret,” aptly puts it, “A lot of things happening by chance are not actually by chance. They can be different levels of probability.”

Belief in this idea varies widely. There have been times when I questioned the existence of the universe itself. What if we’re just here without a grand plan? What if we’re products of our own consciousness, shaping our own understanding of the universe through our thoughts and ideas?

I’ve explored these ideas in my previous articles on

It’s fascinating how the human mind can simultaneously inhabit two entirely distinct and opposing dimensions, and that, in itself, is a remarkable facet of our existence.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Personal Encounter

I’ve personally experienced a series of synchronicities leading up to my father’s tragic passing. Months before the accident, I had recurring dreams of falling and found myself strangely attracted to images of things falling.

At the time, I didn’t give much thought to these dreams and attractions, assuming that perhaps I had seen a movie or video that had planted these images in my mind.

Tragically, my father fell down a flight of stairs and succumbed to a head injury, and suddenly, all the dots connected. Those seemingly random synchronicities were, in fact, messages from the universe, preparing me for the impending tragedy.

It leaves me with a haunting question:

If I had paid closer attention, could I have sensed the disaster and possibly prevented it? We’ll never know!!

This experience underscores the beauty and cruelty of time, reminding us to be attentive to the signs and synchronicities that surround us, even if we can’t always decipher their meaning.

Photo by Sabine Ojeil on Unsplash


After this incident I started taking more interest in co-incidences. I took hints and cues from the universe, researched about them, and kept my own guide of the synchronicities. Here’s my personal guide:

  1. Become Aware: I recognize whether a synchronicity is positive or negative. I embrace the positive ones and consider the negative ones as feedback from the universe, guiding me back on track.
  2. Make Decisions: I trust my intuition. I don’t overanalyze; instead, I make decisions that align with my heart and mind. I take my time to adjust and grow.
  3. Keep a Journal: I have a habit of documenting if something unexpected, whether pleasant or not, comes my way. Over time, I begin to see how they connect, creating a roadmap for my life’s journey.
  4. Learn and Grow: I use both positive and negative synchronicities as tools for personal growth. I say, “Okay, I’ve learned from this,” and watch as new synchronicities align with my higher consciousness.
Photo by Brad West on Unsplash

Remember, randomness is just the universe expressing its love for us. When we pray or send our intentions into the universe, there are powers, whether you call them God, Angels, or vibrations, listening and fine-tuning like a guitar. Think positively, and positivity will follow.

Have you ever experienced a strange or beautiful coincidence in your life? I encourage you to share your stories in the comments.



Rubi Joshi

✒️🌸Philosophy, Humor, Sci-Fi and Out-of-the-Box Facts Writer.🌸✒️ Open to contracts and projects. For Business Inquiries, contact: