11 Astonishing Psychological Facts!!

Rubi Joshi
5 min readAug 17, 2023


The human mind is an intricate web of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that constantly amaze and confound us. Throughout history, scientists and psychologists have explored the depths of the human psyche to uncover its many mysteries. In this piece, let’s reveal some crazy aspects of psychological facts to stimulate your curiosity.

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  1. Stockholm Syndrome: A psychological phenomenon that seems straight out of a movie, Stockholm Syndrome occurs when hostages develop positive feelings toward their captors. This emotional bond often develops as a survival mechanism, as captives seek to align themselves with their captors to increase their chances of safety. In the movie “Beauty and the Beast,” Belle’s compassion and connection with the Beast over time can be seen as a depiction of Stockholm Syndrome.
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2. Capgras Delusion: Picture a scenario where someone believes that a close family member or friend has been replaced by an imposter. This rare psychological disorder, known as Capgras Delusion, causes individuals to maintain that someone they know and love has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor. It highlights the complex interaction between facial recognition and emotional processing in the brain. In the movie “Shutter Island,” the protagonist experiences Capgras delusion as he becomes convinced that the people around him, including his partner, have been replaced by imposters.

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3. The Mandela Effect: A mind-bending phenomenon that questions the reliability of memory, the Mandela Effect refers to shared false memories held by a large group of people. Named after the belief that Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980s (when he actually passed away in 2013), this phenomenon underscores the malleability of memory and how collective perceptions can shift over time. A great example of the Mandela Effect is the misremembering of the Monopoly board game having a character named “Monopoly Man” with a monocle, when in reality, the character does not wear one.

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4. Synesthesia: For individuals with synesthesia, sensory experiences are intertwined in remarkable ways. A synesthete might perceive colors when hearing music or associate specific tastes with particular words. This phenomenon occurs due to cross-activation of different sensory areas in the brain, resulting in a unique and blended perception of the world.

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5. The Tetris Effect: After playing a video game for an extended period, players might continue to see images and patterns from the game even when they close their eyes. This is called the Tetris Effect and demonstrates how prolonged exposure to a specific stimulus can influence the brain’s sensory processing, creating persistent mental images.

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6. Reverse Speech: Advocates of reverse speech claim that hidden messages and intentions can be found when audio recordings are played backward. Some believe that these backward messages reveal the unconscious thoughts and emotions of the speaker, though this concept is widely debated. Sounds like a Scary Movie, right?

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7. The Out-of-Body Experience/Astral Projections: Accounts of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) involve individuals reporting a sensation of floating outside their physical bodies. While some view OBEs as spiritual or paranormal events, psychological explanations point to altered states of consciousness, such as dissociation, where the mind perceives itself as separate from the body. In the movie “Doctor Strange,” the main character experiences an out-of-body experience (OBE) during his training as a sorcerer, where his consciousness travels outside his physical body to explore other realms.

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8. Walking Through Doorways Impairs Memory: The act of walking through a doorway can lead to “event boundaries” in the brain, causing memory lapses. It’s the reason you might forget why you entered a room once you cross the threshold. This is a personal one as I also experience this, and like many of us, I frequently forget things when transitioning between rooms.

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9. Mirror-Touch Synesthesia: People with mirror-touch synesthesia experience physical sensations on their own bodies when they see someone else being touched or experiencing pain. For example, they might feel a touch on their own arm when witnessing someone else being touched.

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10. Savant Syndrome: Some individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities possess extraordinary talents or skills in specific areas, such as music, art, or mathematics. The contrast between their overall limitations and their exceptional abilities is a testament to the brain’s remarkable diversity. The Good Doctor,” the character Shaun Murphy, portrayed by Freddie Highmore, exemplifies savant syndrome. Another real-life example is Stephen Wiltshire, an artist known as the “Human Camera.” Stephen has the remarkable ability to create highly detailed and accurate drawings of cityscapes after only a brief observation, showcasing his extraordinary visual memory and artistic talent.

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11. Cotwins: Twins separated at birth and raised in different environments can sometimes exhibit striking similarities in personality, interests, and even life choices. This suggests a complex interplay between genetic factors and environmental influences. A great example of twins living apart is the story of Paula Bernstein and Elyse Schein. They were identical twins who were separated at birth and adopted by different families. They only discovered each other’s existence when they were in their thirties.Paula Bernstein and Elyse Schein, separated identical twins, found remarkable similarities upon reuniting. They both named their first sons “Oliver,” shared similar writing styles, had matching tastes in various aspects like clothing and tea, twirled their hair when thinking, and even had nearly identical voices. These parallels in their lives despite being raised apart highlighted the role of genetics in shaping their identities.

Paula Bernstein and Elyse Schein

In the endlessly captivating world of psychology, there is no shortage of mind-bending phenomena that continue to captivate researchers and enthusiasts alike. These mind-boggling psychological facts showcase the incredible diversity and complexity of human experiences, perceptions, and behaviors. As we continue to explore the depths of the human mind, we are constantly reminded that there is always more to learn and discover about our own inner workings.



Rubi Joshi

✒️🌸Philosophy, Humor, Sci-Fi and Out-of-the-Box Facts Writer.🌸✒️ Open to contracts and projects. For Business Inquiries, contact: rubyjoshiofficial@gmail.com