Why Did My Consciousness Choose Me?

Rubi Joshi
4 min readSep 11, 2023


Have you ever thought about the connection between yourself and your consciousness?

I certainly have. It’s a fascinating and complex connection that has intrigued philosophers, scientists, and thinkers for centuries. My consciousness, for me, is a separate entity with a mind of its own. It has feelings of its own, and I want to share our sweet and sour relationship with you.

Photo by Nathan Ziemanski on Unsplash

Why ME?

I wonder why my consciousness, of all the options available, decided to take up residence in this peculiar body and soul? Is it a random distribution by some cosmic force, or is there a deeper purpose behind this connection? While I don’t have all the answers, I can’t help but wonder if there’s something unique about each of us that resonates with our consciousness and makes our consciousness go, ‘Yep, that’s the one!’

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Is my Consciousness Eternal?

I ponder whether my consciousness is just a nomad, backpacking through the ages, and I’m its latest Airbnb? Or was it born with me and will it fade with me? While this idea raises more questions than answers, it certainly add a mysterious romance into our relationship.

Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

My Confidant or just a Trickster?

Sometimes, I find myself questioning if my consciousness and I are in perfect sync. Does it know everything I know, or could it be hiding something from me? There’s a sense of mystery in the way it occasionally guides my actions, making me feel conflicted between right and wrong. Is it good or evil? I don’t know. Is it planning world domination? I don’t know, or is it trying to communicate a higher order of the universe that I am yet to comprehend?

Photo by Дмитрий Хрусталев-Григорьев on Unsplash

Silent Dialogue Within

To mend this misunderstanding gap, I’ve developed a practice of going deep within myself. I gently close my eyes and engage in a spirited counting exercise, all while directing my attention to the inner being that is my consciousness. Although it’s a silent partner, a unique form of communication thrives through heightened awareness. Much like myself, it possesses desires, and I’ve noticed that just like a child throwing tantrums, my consciousness starts sucking my energy, and it gets happy when its desires get fulfilled. I believe that communication with our consciousness is important. It’s akin to engaging in a dialogue with a trusted friend who genuinely desires the best outcomes for you.

Photo by Ann Danilina on Unsplash

Throughout history, philosophers and scientists have analysed the concept of consciousness. Philosophers have explored its nature, offering theories ranging from dualism to panpsychism, which have added depth to our understanding of the deep connection between ourselves and our consciousness. On the other side, scientists have conducted experiments to probe consciousness, attempting to analyze near-death experiences, meditation-induced brain activity, and the neuroscience of consciousness.

For a concise overview of Panpsychism, please refer to my article:

These experiments and philosophies echo Carl Sagan’s belief that ‘There’s something incredible waiting to be discovered out there.’ They’re a bit like the ancient wisdom found in the Upanishads, which emphasized ‘Consciousness is Brahman.’ (“Brahman” meaning unchanging reality or eternal consciousness in Hindu philosophy.)These experiments provide valuable insights into the nature of consciousness, acting as a bridge between philosophy and science or Unus Mundus. They enhance our understanding of how the mind and body are intricately connected, much like pieces of a puzzle falling into place.

For a concise overview of Unus Mundus, please refer to my article:

My journey with consciousness has been a remarkable one, filled with questions, wonder, and self-discovery. While I may never fully grasp why it chose me or the depths of its wisdom, I am committed to nurturing our bond and continuing to explore the mysteries it holds.

I encourage you all to plunge into this pool of self-discovery and meet your own consciousness. Who knows what revelations and insights await as you know your inner self?



Rubi Joshi

✒️🌸Philosophy, Humor, Sci-Fi and Out-of-the-Box Facts Writer.🌸✒️ Open to contracts and projects. For Business Inquiries, contact: rubyjoshiofficial@gmail.com